Fast & Easy
online booking

Let your customers book an appointment whenever they like.

Free trial Explore the system
System & Calendar

Makes life easier

Onlinebooq makes life easier. The system keeps track of your calendar, appointments, orders, customers, notes, etc.

The system everyone can use

The system is suitable for use in any branch of industry. We can help you whether you are a hairdresser, masseur, therapist, coach... whatever.

  • Cost-effective
  • Easy as ABC
  • SMS reminders
  • E-mail reminders
  • No initial investment
Onlinebooq - a simple solution to appointment scheduling

Easy to use and easy to learn

Some of my customers have said that they became customers here because I have Onlinebooq, as they found the system easy to use and easy to learn. Even people who are not accustomed to using a PC find it easy to make an appointment. I am so pleased that I can come into contact with my customers so easily.

Marianne Elkrog Marianne Elkrog, Frisør
Online booking

Easy to use

Whether you have a website or not, you can give your customers the chance to make an appointment on the internet – within minutes!

Open all hours

Your customers can pick and choose. They find the day and time that suits them best and you avoid having to stop work to take a call.

Free trial